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The New Money Ball
The Oakland A’s have another disadvantage when pursuing free agents on the open market The plight of Billy Bean and the small market...
Fiscal cliff means higher taxes for athletes next year
Earlier this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke stated, “Under current law, on January 1, 2013, there’s going to be a massive...
Did Alex Rodriguez play himself into a better tax situation?
Alex Rodriguez made headlines this past post season because of his ill-timed slump. However, the irony is: this slump may actually...
Not Playing, But Still Paying
The Cautionary tale of Darryl Strawberry’s Battle with the IRS Darryl Strawberry’s tax and financial troubles tell a cautionary tale...
The Cost of State Income Taxes
Angles Pay $23,368,000 More Because of State Income Tax Rate The Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles captured the most sought after free agent...
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