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Pandora’s Box Enters the Batter’s Box: How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Pandora’s Box Ent
Abstract At the time of passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), it was known that the limitation of itemized deductions would...

MLB Jock Tax Index: Quantifying the Monetary Value in After-Tax Dollars
Abstract The Jock Tax Index (JTI) is a new proprietary tool and has been featured in “Off the Charts” by Scarlet Fu on Bloomberg...

My Tax Accountant Says I can Deduct My Hot Tub. He’s The Expert – Should I Question Him?
Authors Alan Pogroszewski and Kari Smoker examined this very question in their recent law review article and conclude that you should...

Is Tennessee’s Version of the “Jock Tax” Unconstitutional?
Authors Alan Pogroszewski and Kari Smoker examined this very question in their recent law review article and conclude that it is....

Cross Checking
An Overview of the International Tax Issues for Professional Hockey Players Marquette Sports Law Review January 1, 2012 The exposure to...

When is a CPA as Important as your ERA?
A Comprehensive Evaluation and Examination of State Tax Issues on Professional Athletes Marquette Sports Law Review May 29, 2009 One of...

Is Canada Overstepping Its Borders?
The Alberta Province Tax Specifically Targets Professional Hockey Players in Order to Help Finance its Professional Franchises Marquette...
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